Fast Mimicking Diet DIY – Get Healthy in Just Five Days a Month

Going without food can significantly improve your health. But it’s hard to be hungry all the time. That’s why the Fast Mimicking Diet (FMD) has been called the ultimate way to fast. Why? The Fasting Mimicking diet is a way to trick your body into giving you the benefits of …

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The Best Keto Road Trip Snacks

Being on a keto diet can make travelling difficult… In order to stay in ketosis (the state at which your body is burning fat), you have to be careful about what you’re eating… This means that you can’t afford to just go into a gas station and pick up any …

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Keto Food Pyramid

The new keto food pyramid

It seems like we can forget all about our nutrition 101 class that we painstakingly sat through in the fifth grade. The basic rules seemed to have changed. If you remember studying the traditional “food pyramid” you might picture in your head a shape full of equal parts veggies, proteins, …

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